martes, 14 de abril de 2020


Hello again! Have you relaxed a bit in the last few days? I really hope so.
I want to start with a litlle guessing game, ok? Click on the link to know more about it.

¡Hola a todos de nuevo! ¿Habéis descansado estos días? Espero que sí. Quiero comenzar con un pequeño juego o adivinanza. Haced clic en el enlace para saber más.

Guess the topic

Un abrazo

Well, thank you so much for your answers! I have to tell you that the new topic is going to be: 
The reason is mainly to make things easy for you as the book you have at home is the Natural Science one and the "lecturas complementarias" folder contains that topic too.

So, as the morning goes by, you will have the programme.

29 comentarios:

  1. Hello M.José, I think we are going to do earth and universe...because we didn´t do that topic...the last time we did it we where in 3rd...
    Claudia Moré

  2. hello M.Jose i think that we are going to do the topic of the ecosystem becouse this topic we dont do it

  3. Hello MJosé, I think that we are going to do The Modern Age
    Leire Idoate

  4. Hello MJose,I think that we are going to study the Ecosystems
    Chesús Suárez

  5. Hello M.Jose i also think that the most probably topic is ``the ecosystem´´.

    I would like to study it.

  6. Hello MJose, I thinkthat we Are goinng todo dos The Modern Age because we Do the Middle Age

  7. Hello Maria Jose, I think that we are going The Modern Age. Because, we study the Middle Ages. Iker

  8. Hello Mª Jose, I think we are doing de ``THE ECOSYSTEM´´
    Marina Palacios

  9. I would like to do the theme about the earth and the universe because we did It a long time ago and I think we hace to learn about where we live

  10. Hello Maria Jose,I think that we are going to study The Modern Ages.Because we study The Middle Ages.

    Hugo Mera

  11. Hello Maria Jose:
    I'am Marco Celma of 5D. I think,that if we study natural we study the ecosistems, because the last term we study the plants, and if we study social the modern ages,because we study the middle ages in the last social tropic.

  12. Hello Iam Nico from 5a I think we are going to study ecosystems because It is a new topic

  13. Hello Iam Sara from 5B
    I think that we are going to study the ecosystem
    Because is a new toic

  14. Hello I think we're going to study ecosystems.

  15. Hello M.jose I am Dani from 5°A I think we are going to study ecosistems because it is a new topic.

  16. Hello Maria Jose. I think that we are going to do the Modern Ages because previously we study the Midle ages

  17. Hello María José, I am Izarbe from 5C and I think that the next topic it will be ecosystems because we studied the plants and its probably that this is the next.
    Thank you.

  18. Hello Maria Jose, I am Alex from 5B.I think that the next topic is going to be ecosystem because the previous topic that we learned was about plants.
    Thank you

  19. Hello María José, I'm Adrián Luño from 5º C.
    I think that this third trimester we have to study two subjects from natural sciences and one from social sciences.
    From natural sciences I would bet on Ecosystems and Structures and machines and from social sciences on the subject of The Modern Age.
    See you, take care.

  20. Hello M. Jose, I think we are going to do the topic of the ecosystem because we don't do it
    Carmen Soley

  21. Hello M. José, I think we are going to do the topic of the ecosystem because we don't do it and can be interesting.
    Claudia G.

  22. Hello M. José.I think se are going to do the topic of the ecosystem because we did the plants and It was natural and this unite is natural Also the last unite.

  23. Hello
    I think that the moder ages,the last unit was on natural so it would be the most usual do on social and like we do the midle ages It have sense

  24. Hello!I am Alejandro Puyal and I think that we are going to study something of social science because the last unit was of natural science. By the way I would like is the unit of earth and the universe.

  25. Hello,I am Alejandro Puyal, I liked the little game and I liked the unit you have chosen.

  26. Hello M. Jose I don't know what topic we are going to study but I like that of the ecosystem .I am Paula from 5ºB

  27. Hi i think that we are going to do earth and universe


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